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The Blame Game: Who’s really the culprit?

As a child growing up I was obsessed with a specific princess. One would think that in adulthood I would throw away my “foolish” childlike fascinations. Not this one though, I have learnt quite a lot from Ella.

Once upon a time, I was a girl that worried about the criticisms of others.

Whether it would be for standing up for what I believe in, or the fact that I was always randomly over dressed, my consistency in applying for positions or even the starting of this blog.

The fact is I get criticized for being who I am, when I want, without taking into consideration others opinions of who I should be.

I’m sure a great deal of you can attest to having this same issue, probably not getting judged of the same criteria, but getting judged based on you being you.


Didn’t anyone tell these people that no one would have the same characteristics in this world? When did it start being wrong for a person to be themselves? Who are we to judge what precise or immoral behaviour is for a particular person?

I’m blaming society.

“Be kind and have courage” –Cinderella, 2015

Society comes up with all these concepts that we hold on to believing in without having the courage to ask why and the kindness to appreciate people for who they are.

Socialization is a key concept for some of our core beliefs. We were brought up from the earlier stages of our life to feel guilt for some of our behaviours. This is because our behaviours did not ideally match the society around us. This does not justify by any means that you should be criticized because you are not "ideal" for society. Your aim in life should not be to suit society but to suit yourself. Hence, mastering the concept of becoming your ideal self.

Stop trying to please the world and finally please yourself. Enough with the social approval.

You are enough!

Controversy may have just erupted, because someone reading this right now may think that I, as the writer, am telling my readers to boycott society. Now that would be an ignorant thing to do. We need society and all the order that it enforces. However, we also need to view society differently.

“See the world for not as it is but what it could be” – Cinderella, 2015

Yes we need society, but it is still the main culprit for the way the world is today. Our view about others is dithered because of society; therefore we miss out on appreciating a person for who they really are. Stop critiquing every step of the way.

So what if he didn’t go to university, or so what if her body count is thirty two. Find out who a person really is and stop stereotyping.

What if he didn’t go to university because his mother was really ill and he had to take care of her; or the reason for her high body count is because she was initially raped.

My idea is for once, put aside the beliefs that society has instilled, just for a second, and really get to know people for who they are. Life can be really beautiful that way.

“Just because it is what’s done, doesn’t mean it’s supposed to be done” - Cinderella, 2015

The Finale

So society criticizes us for who we are, but do we need to change?

If you are comfortable with the person you are currently in your life my only challenge to you is to improve on bettering that person. Do anything you want with your life as long as it is good for your person, physically and psychologically.

Remember you are serenity, only you can take away your bad days.

Ella Inspired. A childhood memory.

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