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Unwritten. Unnumbered. Unknown.


Take a moment.

Look around you.

What do you see.

Breathe for just a moment.

What can you feel.

Just stop.



Is it of any importance, what you breathed in, what you saw, what you felt, was it important to you?

Did you value it?

Was the pause worth your time, your effort, your appreciation?

See most times we do not realize what we have around us, or even what minor actions are happening right in our surrounding. Not until it happens to us. Because around us isn’t us, that’s what we conceive in our thoughts. So it happens, but it has nothing do with us.

Pause again.

Look again.

Breathe again.

Feel again.

But this time consider everything.

Understand that the world around us is for you and me. It is diverse, with change being constant, what is here today is gone tomorrow with or without your permission.

My question then to you is:

Do you cherish the things you have today or do you complain about the things you want tomorrow?

“Change has its own personality, it does not consider yours.”

– S.N. Mills

The things you have today may be the things you want tomorrow.

Good Health, Sight, Hearing, A Love One, Peace of Mind, Mobility.

We tend to take these things for granted, and every time I pause, I realize the world is changing right before my eyes, people I know, people I don’t know, experiencing changes right before my eyes.

So why couldn’t it have been me that had experienced that change, or why wasn’t it not you?

Do we even recognize this change?

Are we even considerate to the individuals undergoing changes?


Because it’s not us.

It’s not one of our people.

The guy at 19 years old who has cancer in his throat.

Or the guy the same age who has lost his eyesight.

Or the woman who has just lost her life partner.

The daughter who has just lost her father.

The mother who will never see both of her young children again, they are gone forever.

As I recall as these incidents my heart goes out to these individuals and many others.

Do I stand here attributing these issues to A Higher Being that should not have caused this to happen?


God has the power to do what He wants in His world.

We have the choice on how we deal with the world He has given us.

Appreciate the small things more, give these things more attention, take the time to breathe and notice everything.

Focus on what you have today and make the most of it. It may change tomorrow.

Do not take the simple things for granted; this is easier said than done, but it is my plea to you to remember to show some gratitude to the things we often forget about.

Our lives are unwritten. At no point in time are we assured of having the same things we were born with throughout our lifetime.

Our days are unnumbered. Meaning our space here is just a temporary one. Make the most of life and the lives around you.

Our future is unknown. Be sensitive to those experiencing issues, because you may face the same issues in due time.

So for instance, if change occurs and one has lost his ability to walk on his two feet, at least he will be able to say he admired every step he made at every placed he walked with everything feeling he could. Along with helping those that were not able to walk while he could.



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