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Our Recent Posts



Committing Murder: TO MYSELF

Kill Me

Who Me?

Yes Me

Why Me?

Life Hard.

No Faith.

Cant Live.

Wont Live.

So Kill Me.

Yes Me.



How do you feel about suicide?

Do you view it as an option sometimes when life gets too much to handle, when it feels like no one cares and when you are alone.

Our generation is suicidal.

Do you believe this statement?

The technological generation is suicidal.

We are a fast pace generation. We have everything at our fingertips. We want things happening right now and we refuse to wait because that is our mentality. See when the mind, the body, the self is used to something it’s hard to change the pattern.

So we are a suicidal generation when things do not go our way.

Is it an easier route to solve our issues?

Do you believe this statement?

See Monroe, Houston and even Dorothy Dandridge took their lives. But the media labels it as accidental.


Why not purposeful?


Taking one’s life is a Taboo.

Well wake up society. Suicide is real. It’s happening. And it’s happening now regularly.

Still wanna hide it?

Make it feel like it’s not existent?

Make it feel like it does not cross the minds of people daily?

Understanding Suicide.

I remember someone asking me why don’t I tackle real issues in my blog posts. One must first understand that my aim is to motivate. To me this is challenging real issues. This is because we have two types of impact makers; the ones that want to stay on the surface meaning viewing society as a whole; and the ones that want to get deep and personal meaning viewing society as the individuals that make it up. I am your deep and personal girl, touching lives one person at a time. See my people we cannot change society but we can change the thought pattern of persons living it society.

So I once knew a girl that was getting tired of abuse so she cut herself and watched blood run. This must have been some creepy stuff. The progress was slow though, so slow she had time to think. She was scared. Scared of her reality. Scared of death, the death that she wanted to face her back then.

See she knew suicide was wrong. But at the time it seemed right.

Thank God she came to her senses and thank God for the known fact that women are more analytical than men.

Firstly, she couldn’t stand the pain to cut deep enough. See women are not as immediate as men, we like to do things in slow motion so we can kinda ‘mediate’ about it. The mediation brings us back to realism. So while waiting to ‘die’ we decide we don’t wanna die anymore. Men on the other had want to get it over with quickly. So buss a shot and buss it right and or they’ll wait the 4 to 6 minutes with the rope around their neck.

Why did I go here?

We need to understand that men and women are different and will attempt suicide differently. Now I’m not saying a female will not hang herself or a man would not commit a bathtub drowning. Anything is possible but it is less likely to happen.

See a person that commits suicide and is successful did not steer up the idea seconds before they attempted. This person has been screaming out for help and society, yes, you and me both choose to ignore them.

Women may talk about their issues as they are more open than men, but with men unless they have a close brotherly friend sometimes you never know.

And that’s what is scary about our recent suicides.

This is where observation of society comes into composition.

Sometimes we are so caught up with ourselves, our goals, our aspirations, that we fail to see what is right in the front of our eyes. Give a frowning person a smile, say good morning as you walk down a pathway, hug a friend, lend a listening ear and let people know you care.

These things can change the world.

Stop being so insensitive, calling her names, comparing him, treating her like she’s no good, making him feel like he’s no one.

Simple, that’s what you’re saying, simple stuff; yet we all fall short of this.

We must also never forget depression is legitimate and many persons go through minor forms and the greatest response is suicide.

It just takes a little time out of our day to notice, see the difference in persons around us and attempt to help them, make their day or week better.

I plea to you never to determine a suicidal death stupid, because most times you played a part, either by adhering to this mean tough love culture or by not caring enough.

Note I am not stating that suicide is a right approach to solve one’s issues, I am simply saying try to understand the suicide story because it’s not going anywhere any time soon and help to prevent it.

Suicide attempters, hold close to faith. Death will not solve your issues; it only seems that way right now because not being here may appear appealing. But trust me, live until God is ready for you, do not cut your lifespan short, because there is a purpose for your life, a purpose for your fight, a purpose for the dim in your light.

It is for you to find that purpose so you can shine beyond your issues and live right.

R.I.P Loves.

Condolences to the families that have lost their love ones because of this committing murder to myself.

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