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I grew up hearing my grandfather saying, don’t look in to their eyes, don’t look at them, they are not good people, they are evil. If you look, their evilness will hurt you, their evilness will see within your soul.

Consistently hearing that the world is an evil place every single day, you try stay to on the good half, the better half of the world. You try to be moral. You try to be not like them, not like those evil people.

You isolate yourself from the evil, the evil wicked people, the evil wicked world.

Don’t want them to look at you.

Don’t want them to interact with you.

Don’t want them to steal your soul.

Do you believe in the evil eye?

Some are born with it, while others are cursed to have it.

Some say superstition.

Others say myth.

“Well belief kill and belief cure my child.”

The fact is yes some persons are more malicious than others.

That is just the way the world is.

Balance is needed.

Good v.s. Bad

Positive v.s. Negative

God v.s. Satan

Should we choose to separate ourselves?

That is simply a self-made decision.

However, I will let you know what I have learnt, and how I would approach the situation. When allowing for yourself to be on the right and the other person on the left you place too much distance in between to learn.

What do I mean?

Several times you hear do not cross their path, do not go into their world. But if you do not do this then how will you know what their world consists of, how will you know why is it that you should not entire their world.

You must understand that crossing the barrier is dangerous, but with prayer and faith as well as staying true to yourself this is possible.

Do not adapt to evil, but do not keep it so far away that you do comprehend their ideologies, the way in which they think, their movements, their patterns.

You have to acknowledge first that there is good and bad, and then you must know what each is to differentiate between the two.

Do not be fooled by smiles and hands held out to receive your friendships. You must always be aware. Know that evil loves to be disguised, but cannot be fully covered, so it will show itself when you least expect it.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

–Maya Angelo

Yes people, if its smells like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck. Why are we consoling ourselves and feeding our minds to believe it is not a duck. If you saw it as a duck the first time, then why should it be a swan the second time around.

This is how people get hurt most times. We fail to accept evil for what it is.

It stands directly in your face and you say “oh no, no way, that did not happen” or “oh no, no way, it cannot be so”.

Well I’m here to tell you, sweetie it is so, it is very much so.

Not all persons are good, not all persons want good for you and not all persons wish you good. This does not mean you should run away and hide from them. This only means you must play the game of life smartly.

Let’s learn a few things:

  • They don’t like me, so I will not like them. ERROR…. They don’t like you, and how you feel about them no one has to know. Smile and carry on. Treat them like they are good people. Some may call it hypocrisy, I call it survival.

  • They hurt me so I will hurt them back. ERROR… Do not play fire with fire. They hurt you, and you forgive them for they do not know any better, they lack care, hence they can only treat you how they know how to. Show them some care, shower them with love. You are indeed the better and bigger person. But never let down your guard!

  • They do not care, so I will not care. ERROR… Hunny, please be mature about this, they don’t care and so. How will it affect you? Channel your energy to the people who actually care, not the ones who do not. It takes so much energy not to care.

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” –Ghandi

Therefore, do not let their evil eyes turn your eyes evil!

Remember there is nothing wrong with understanding their world, nothing wrong with understanding how evil works. What is wrong is when you join their world, when you start being evil. Know the difference and use it to strategically glow in a world full of so much evil.

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