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Reflection is needed.

Reflection of who you are.

Reflection of how you even got to who you are.

Who you are.

Who are you?

You are.

Are you?

Do you even know who you are?

Who are you?

I have been asked on several accounts after a new blog post that I must have done a lot of research to carry out my writing, to come to a true understanding of an issue, to be able to place myself in various shoe sizes. Yes, I may conduct minor research, but anything you have read so far has been the truth, the truth of my life, the truth of my life experiences, the truth of who I am, the truth of me.


Let us back track.

Pieces on who society expects me to be, whether I chose to pursue my passion of anthropology or the money making law, the death of life and what makes life around me, how much I am worth as a woman, the abuse that I have faced as a child, my poverty stricken background, my leadership strives, my attempts of suicide, the people nearby that watches me with evil eyes, my expectations of love, my struggle to have equal rights because of the elements that make me up and the fact that I have daddy issues.

It is personal.

My blogs are personal.

Serenity is personal.

It is who I am.

Who am I?

Serenity Motivated.

Every time I open up, open up to you who reads, I become me. The me that I want to be. The best me. The me that is at peace, peace with who I am. Peace with my experiences. Peace with my life.

I am content with who I am, and I honestly want the same from you. It is my belief that when another person can take the stand to say yes I have been through exactly what you are going through but I am okay; it makes the person on the side lines braver. My aim is to make you braver. To give you peace. To make you know it’s okay.

It’s okay.

Feel serenity, breathe serenity, stand up and say I am Serenity.

That peace can make you move mountains, make you accomplish all your goals and all your impossible dreams. A lot of people go through things in life that pull them down, I mean things that make you hit rock bottom, drowning in the ocean with no hope of being saved. But after you gasp for air and realize that you can find none, would you give up and make yourself ready to die or would you keep fighting, throwing your hands up in the air reaching for help, pulling yourself up, bouncing back up to the top, determined to live.

I am determined to live.

Are you determined to live?

What is living?

I am not saying it is easy, nor am I saying I am always at peace. Sometimes I wanna curse, I wanna scream and shout and say WHY ME, why me. I wanna break out in a fight, in a fight with you, in a fight with me, in a fight with whoever just because, because it’s all too much. But then after it all, I realize, I realize that nothing has changed. I am still struggling to make ends meet, still having flashbacks of being thrown across the room, still tempted to give up on life. So I was bitter for nothing. My bitterness, my loudness, my vulgarity, my negativity changed nothing.

So if I could sit and accept it all, accept it for what it is, accept life for what it was, then I could lose less time, I could move forward with time, I could forgive and keep life going.

And so I choose Serenity every time.

Even when I forget for a second, my final thought is always Serenity.

I keep telling you its personal, I hope you believe me now. It’s about me, it’s about you, and it’s about us. I do this for us, because I care about imprinting on another life, inspiring more hope and intriguing new found positivity.

So reflect with me.

Find out who you are.

Embrace who you are.

Share who you are.

And live who you are.

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